Learning Goal: We are learning to add details to our writing (recount).
Strategies: We use the 5Ws to include Who, What, Where, When, Why and How.
We visualize and describe with words what we see in our head.
Background Info: The students used the 5Ws planner to determine details to include in their writing. The students also listed their main events, in time order. My discovery was that the students did not include the information in their planners in their recount. Sometimes students claimed they did not need to because it said it "right there" (on their planner).
Mini Inquiry: What will the impact of viewing a video clip of themselves reading their own recount be on their understanding the reader's perspective (not knowing the information in the planner), as measured by the accuracy and reflection in their self-assessment?
Student Engagement (Block 2 & 3):
Taking videos is inherently engaging, we had 100% eager participation. Uploading to Google Drive was a new experience for the students. They persevered and we had 100% engagement and success. The third and final step was to share their clip in Google Drive with me. By now it was third block and the same student who in block 1 (before iPads) claimed he was not doing any work today, said he was not going to share. Explaining that the only way I knew how to share his video clip on the Smartboard (partial truth) was for him to share with me on Google Drive, quickly brought him around. All students proudly completed the third step :)
Coincidentally, almost half of the class was absent this day. So the next day, we shared our video clips with the whole class and awarded each Google Drive Sharer with a Google Drive Expert Crown.
It was incredible how proud and engaged my "Experts" were in teaching the previously absent children! All students successfully uploaded and shared their video clip.
As far as the mini inquiry question, the process took a life of its own. They were so proud of their technology accomplishment that reflecting upon their writing was overshadowed.
The AMAZING part is that I had 3 parents visit me on different days after school to see their child's video. The students' excitement and crowns were the best "What I did at school" conversation starter. The next week I had a note in the agenda from one of these parents who explained how proud her son was to be able to share his school work with his father at home! That is the BEST parent involvement our class has had (so far) this year!!!
Here is one clip. Please remember that the video clips were never intended to be polished products but for the purpose of self-assessment.
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