Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Air Server

There has been a great deal of buzz in schools surrounding the use of the program Air Server.  So, what is Air Server?  Air Server is a program that mirrors what is on your iOS screen or allows you to stream content from an iOS device.  For example, with AirServer you can wirelessly beam your iPad display to your PC and from there to your projector, smartboard or HDTV. This gives you the freedom to move around the class with your iPad in hand. AirServer also supports multiple simultaneous connections, so one or more students could mirror their iPads to share their ideas and their work with the rest of the class.
Air Server is an amazing tool, but there are some system requirements that you need to be aware of prior to purchasing.  (1) This software MUST be installed on a laptop that is using our corporate wireless network - not on our guest network (i.e., personal computer). (2) It will NOT work on desktop computers.  (3) Your laptop must have Windows 7 installed - not Windows XP.  For further requirements, please look at the section "What do I need to run Air Server" closely before purchasing. 

Here is the link to purchase/download Air Server: www.airserver.com/en/Download

If you are using an EAL laptop, you can purchase and install it yourself. For board laptops, (ie. school laptops) you will need to put in a request to HelpStar to have your tech install it.

Hope this provides a little clarification!

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