Monday, 30 December 2013

BT1 & I Devices (Further Exploration and documentation - Part I )

We continue to explore the possibilities using the BT1 and Ipad Mini's, thus far some students have experienced the general use of the technology.  While other students still shy away from diagnostics, which is general trend that myself and Mr. Dulong have observed over the years.  In the past the traditional scanners, the required automotive knowledge and complexity of setup has greatly hindered student use and similarly created much anxiety it scanner use.  Which adapter to use, reference manual A, plug proper power supply in.  enter vin number, refer to supplement manual, refer to appendix, determine correct OBD II keyadapter and insert into OBD II scroll through the menu and sub-menu (which look like DOS)


The use of the BT1 and I devices has greatly aided in decreasing the complexity and student ease of use.  Simply Awesome!!  From the GUI interface (I Device) the students can easily navigate through the APP and access data the the BT1 is reading from the vehicles PCM (powertrain Control Module).  As some of the senior TTJ students further their exposure with diagnostics, the vast majority have tried both the traditional scanner and the BT1 technology; preference to date as recorded through google forms seems to the simpler and more GUI interface (I device & BT1).  We have instructed/requested that students must first try the traditional scanner (Snap-on) and then can verify and clear  codes with the BT1; therefore creating additional  exposure to both methods.      


The students initial "scanner" use and BT1 use are recorded using a google form.  Thus recording their perspective on the technology use.  Refer to   IIT Auto Poll    For initial use of BT1 technology   

Once the students have used the technology once they are to complete a different form; which parallels a work record card; work order.  Organizes the technology use, the data they used which app they used to access the OBDII system.  Along with the steps, resources and verification of repair.  (Following the diagnostic tree)     Refer to   BT1 & Idevice Technology Jobs/Tasks Form      For all jobs and tasks using BT1 technology

We continue to collect the data and push the use of technology.


  1. The "Forms" have been added to our technological websites for easy student access.

  2. WOW! I'll admit, I can barely understand what you are talking about, but I am very impressed on how much the kids are learning. I was just looking at the Google Form that you linked to and it really makes the kids be specific on what the task is/was and how they solved it. Amazing stuff Chris!
