Monday, 2 December 2013

Engagement (Student) through iPads; Explain Everything

iPad Launch (Nov. 13)

It was like Christmas opening up the iPads!  The students were so pumped:)

Thank goodness for Jeremy's patience and assistance with downloading Explain Everything.  I am so grateful for the support from the IIT team.  The basics are new learning from me.  I had never used iTunes cards or gone to the App Store before.  Challenging for me..but now I can:)

Jeremy is so skilled at engaging students.  His idea of "driver" and "navigator" for sharing the iPads and frequently switching roles is genius.  I have 4 students in particular who are challenging to engage.  With the novelty of launching the iPads and with 5 adults in the classroom for the first 30 minutes of exploring Explain Everything features, all the students were actively involved.  The process unveiled the need for further explicit teaching around turn-taking and teamwork.  Ultimately, 11 out of 15 students completed the exploration session.  Today confirmed that the technology is an engaging hook for all the students.  I also learned that students with special needs continue to need accommodations when completing tasks with technology.  Next time, I will ensure that my 4 target students do not need to share iPads as this was overwhelming for their self-regulation.  Our goal will be to gradually work with others with the iPads.  I look forward to further exploring Explain Everything.  This app has huge potential for the monitoring and tracking of student learning.

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