Monday, 14 April 2014

Bullying on iMovie

Students are having a great time creating and editing Anti-Bullying movies.
- Motivational/Inspiring video for someone experiencing bullying
- Anti-Bullying Campaign
- Characteristics/Personality traits of someone who stands up to bullying
- How you would end bullying in Your school

Editing and Special Effects fabulous!  We got taping/drama part done super fast.  Kids had oodles of fun editing - adding music, transitions, title, inserting videos, split screens.  Just viewed near final products.  Kids felt proud of themselves - professional looking and sounding.

Students need to go back and play with music volumes, professional credits.


Kids had "Peterborough" show up in their title.  The 'locator" - which on so we can find our i-Pads, needs to be turned off for editing. There is a way of turning this off so it does not automatically show up on the screen.  Go to Settings...privacy...location services...toggle off i'movie.  This should solve the problem!

Boys tend to be more focused on the technical piece.  They needed pushing to get the dramatic/artistic pieces done.  Girls tend to be more focused on the drama, and needed pushing to get the editing pieces done.

Still editing.  Look for fascinating videos attached to my next blog.

Still loving "Explain Everything" as a quick way to check our thinking before a math summative.  Catching the odd misconception!  Great stuff!  Kids are getting fast at creating and sharing slides.

Still having fun.  iPads are becoming a more functioning tool and less a play toy!!!

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