Thursday, 10 April 2014

iTunes SALE!!!

iTunes SALE!!!

Who doesn't love a good deal??? Especially when it comes to educational purchases.  
This morning I went to Metro (on the way to school), to purchase a couple more App cards to add to my iPad minis.  The first stand I looked at didn't have any, so I started to panic.  Then I walked further into the store and found a second stand with an abundance of iTunes cards.  With a bat of an eye I saw the sale sign above. So the natural thing to do was to grab more!

As I was paying, the cashier asked me if they were gifts.  I replied with "no, I have iPads in my classroom".  She then let me in on a little secret, which I am going to share with my fellow Tech Fund Friends...  "These App cards go on sale more than anything else in the grocery store".  And they always seem to be when a Holiday is coming".  She said they tend to go on sale about a week before every holiday.  So get into your local METRO TODAY!!!


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