Thursday, 14 November 2013

OMG - it's MAGIC!!!

So in 15 years of teaching - music theory has always been a bit of a struggle...  I see the value in theory - my students have learned to see the importance of theory - but it's difficult to teach (and learn) this part of the course - mainly because both the students and I would rather be actively involved in playing music.

For the FIRST time EVER I had an entire room of music students TOTALLY enthralled in THEORY - to the point where I had 3 of them staying into the next period (their spares) to work on theory on the iPads!!!  Even the kid who usually instantly gives up on "paper work" was totally absorbed in what we were doing!  And I had a number of them asking if we could do theory again tomorrow!  WHAT???  This has happened before with PERFORMANCE but never with THEORY!!!

They were so excited!  And now I'm even more excited!  I'm looking forward to sharing some of their projects with you.

Fun things happening with Garage Band, and music on iPads at LCVI :)



  1. are you using any apps besides GarageBand?

  2. Sheri, loved your presentation at the IIT mid year. I do wish I was more musically inclined. I shared a snapshot with our music teacher and her jaw dropped. I suggested to her that she should maybe consider doing a little self selected PD if it fits into your schedule to observe the leaps and bounds you have made.

  3. When we were talking Sheri, I was telling you about an app that Melissa was using to convert played music (ex. guitar) to sheet music. The app was called score cloud express.
