The first annual Central Senior Film Festival was a huge success! Most classes in the school have taken part by using iPads and iPad minis to film a variety of ideas and messages. Students were able to edit and enhance their clips using iMovie on the iPad or MacBook.
From over 100 student created films, 17 were selected. Students involved in the selected films were chauffeured to the front entrance of Central Senior in an SUV limo to walk the red carpet! In the front foyer a photo booth was set up using an iPad on a tripod (over 250 photos were taken of students, parents, siblings and staff). Guests were amazed at the beautiful gym (decorated by a team of students) while a DJ provided an exciting atmosphere between 6 and 7 p.m, when the viewing began. Student MCs impressed a packed gym with their introductions and well rehearsed comedy between films.
Here are the entries created by individuals or small groups of students. I will post the final film (created by an entire class of grade 7s) in my next post. Enjoy!
Awesome display of engaging work and technology use. Great accomplishments @ the film festival.