Friday, 6 June 2014

Reebee APP, math, healthy living, and dinners for a week!

Here is the assignment.

Use the  APP reebee and plan a menu of dinners for one week. Pretend you are feeding a family of 4 (2 adults and 2 children).  Please consider Canada’s Food Guide (vegetables and fruit, grain products, milk and alternatives, meat and alternatives, oils and fats, beverages).  Make sure your menu is balanced.  You may plan for a dessert each day.  Complete the chart below.
Use this government of Canada’s web site:              

My students couldn't wait to do this assignment! Everyone was engaged.     Many student searched several flyers to look for the best deals and were amazed at the cost of food.  The task also prompted discussion about oils and fats, and questions like, "Is a tomatoe a fruit or vegetable".

Lots of fun!      

Monday, 2 June 2014

Engagement - Garage Band playing rhythmic composition

I was impressed with my Grade 2s and 3s success with composing rhythmic patterns.  They really enjoyed playing their compositions on Garage Band's drums.  We learned to turn off the metronome (we were not playing on the metronome's beat) and to convert the saved file, as prompted by Google Drive.

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Presentations App Folder

It has been quite a technological journey this year.  I was an Apple newbie...I am not any more!
I have spent a lot of time on the background set up of the minis - from the storage unit to the Acceptable Use policy to the organization of apps into folders.  (All previously Blogged)
I recently added one more app folder (thanks for the idea Joan).  The "Presentations" folder contains a variety of apps students may choose to access to creatively demonstrate understanding of a concept.

We are starting to branch away from ExplainEverything.  It is, and will continue to be, an option but engagement was starting to wane...and then I introduced iMovie trailers.  Familiar to for all. Can't wait to see the results next week.
Just today I had my daughter in grade 4 using Inkflow...the infamous Medieval Times Castle project.  We used Inkflow to label photos of her castle taken from different angles.  A task also possible in Word but it was definitely easier to use the iPad to, well, do everything (and collaborate on the couch).

Sunday, 18 May 2014

First Annual Central Senior Film Festival

The first annual Central Senior Film Festival was a huge success! Most classes in the school have taken part by using iPads and iPad minis to film a variety of ideas and messages. Students were able to edit and enhance their clips using iMovie on the iPad or MacBook.

From over 100 student created films, 17 were selected. Students involved in the selected films were chauffeured to the front entrance of Central Senior in an SUV limo to walk the red carpet! In the front foyer a photo booth was set up using an iPad on a tripod (over 250 photos were taken of students, parents, siblings and staff). Guests were amazed at the beautiful gym (decorated by a team of students) while a DJ provided an exciting atmosphere between 6 and 7 p.m, when the viewing began. Student MCs impressed a packed gym with their introductions and well rehearsed comedy between films.

Here are the entries created by individuals or small groups of students. I will post the final film (created by an entire class of grade 7s) in my next post. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Initiative, work ethic, independence & inquiry....the puzzle pieces falling together...

Ah..the pieces have finally fallen together for many of the TTJ3 students.  The components I refer are the routine and systematic approach , the diagnois, the process, the documentation of your process, the inquiry, the trouble tree, the repair and the verification of the repair.  All completed with an awesome blend on student knowledge, skill and technical literacy; not just memory based but more importantly were and how to access the vehicle data, the dtc's, the operation of the system in question, how to identify the faulty component and the specifications.  It is important to point out that it is impossible to know every process, every step, every dtc and every spec.  But knowing how, when and were to access all of the puzzle pieces is an astonishing accomplishment.

Brief over
  " keys please.  I need to get my coveralls, I drove the escape (ford) today.  I need to determine where the exhaust leak is and measure the pipes to order replacement sections. I also need to scan for dtc's, the engine light is on and it is running rough.  It is sitting in front of bay 1, can I use the hoist and can you drive it in?"  Student said.

I turned to my colleague and he looked at me and inquired who is that student. He was awestruck and I will admit my jaw too dropped a little, not that I let onto the student.  I should also mention that this was before the first bell of the day.

So long story short ( I won't bore you with all the tidbit data) 
  Employability skills , check
  Initiative , check
  Verification of problems, check
   Set hoist up, check
   Inspect physical condition and measure, check & document with pics, check
   Lower hoist, check
   BT1 & Ipad, scan dtc's and view data, check
   Access service literature, determine conditions for setting dtc, prioritize dtc's, diagnosis dtc's, check
   Repair faulty components and/or order and price parts, check
      Clear dtc's and run up vehicle to meet dtc setting requirements....
      Dtc did not reset, verified repair...double check.
   Remove vehicle from hoist, teacher move vehicle outside
   Sweep floor, wash up, complete additional documentation of job and complete work order.

Ah...that's a pretty complete "puzzle" for a grade 11.  Guess who has a coop placement next year?
Guess who I would hire?

She did an excellent job both in successfully repairing the vehicle, using the technology, access the vehicle service literature and employing the necessary employability, thinking and learning skills that further employers and educator strive to encounter.


Wednesday, 7 May 2014


In guided groups I have started to use the IPad to help student prepare for EQAO. We all log in to an EQOA reading text from a previous year, read and discus the text, and read the questions. Students really engage in this, especially students who find it difficult to write answers. After we answer and talk about the multiple choice questions, I have one of the students create a document on google drive and share the doc with everyone in the guided group. We then use the success criteria to create an exemplary answer together. Fantastic, engaging, instant feedback and very non threatening to those student who don't even know where to begin.  The best thing of all is that they have the iPad in their hands and can see an answer generated right in front of them.  Thank you ipads!!!

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Engagement - Garage Band

Pure Exploration of Garage Band with the only task demand being to explore various instruments and app features.  The students think they are rock stars:)  They love jamming, recording and listening to their compositions.  Engagement is 100%.  I am considering purchasing the paid version for even more instrumental options.  Feedback is welcome if you have made this purchase.  Next step is to use the app to explore musical elements.